Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hi everyone!!
SOOOO we've now opened Intro and Fiesta- and they both went splendidly!!! I'm so proud of the cast. We've been working really hard and it's paid off! Intro we just did once, on Monday night. Then we kept rehearsing and learning Shout, and cleaning up Fiesta. We had some tech runs of Fiesta Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and then we opened the show last night- two performances, at 8:45 and 10:30pm. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better first night. I know I have room to grow, and that will come with doing the show over and over again. But there were no major screw ups, I got all the lyrics and the choreography, and most importantly, I had FUN!!! And I think the audience could tell. I'm very very happy. And what's great, i that I prefer performing Shout anyway, so if I had fun LAST night, I can't imagine what Wednesday night will be like when we open that show!
I moved in to my official room today, so today kind of marks the beginning of my contract in a lot of ways. The old cast moves home today. The ship is ours! :) It's really exciting.
I'm in Tampa right now, headed to Walmart to buy more eyelashes and eye make up and hairspray and gel and lip liner...haha I didn't bring the right kind of make up for these shows! Ben Nye doesn't quite cut it :)
I miss you... <3
More soon!!


  1. steph!! I am so proud of you!!! WAY TO GO! its so great being able to hear all about your time out there....even if you dont have much to say. I cannot believe you are out there cruisin' all day every day...WOW! Glad to hear all is well....keep it coming!


    p.s. mike graduated this week!! He's out celebrating by going up north to the fishing opener and leaving his wife home alone on a saturday night :) haha... YAY!

  2. Congrats girl!! i am so so so excited for you! I will be looking for updates OFTEN- here on land I will live vicariously through you :)

    Get it!!
